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Covid-19 Update

Sierra Vista Vision and the office of Dr. Ray are closely monitoring the ever-changing news of COVID-19 and have the health and safety of our doctors, their families, and our patients in mind.

In accordance with the CDC and the American Optometric Association’s recommendation, we have suspended routine eye exam visits.

We are aware that these actions may have an impact on our patients and a strong financial impact on our office.

We will remain available to help you with some routine matters such as ordering contact lenses and/or glasses, in cases of damage or loss of current glasses during this challenging time.

During this period of social distancing and quarantine, we must all do our part by restricting unnecessary activities outside the home.

Questions you may have…

  • Routine Eye Exams:  If you are scheduled for a routine eye examination appointment for the week of March 23rd, we will reschedule your appointment. It is likely that routine eye exams in the weeks following the week of March 23rd will also need to be rescheduled. We have decided to proceed one week at a time at this point.
  • What if I have glasses or contact lenses that are ready to be picked up? You can leave them safe and sound at our office for future pickup or if you need the glasses or contact lenses, please visit our office during our temporary hours (listed below) and/or call our office at 520-335-1643. If the door is locked during those hours, please knock or give us a call.
  • I need to replace my glasses because I lost or broke them. What do I do?  Please call the office at 520-335-1643 or email us at We should be able to help you with your eyewear needs by ordering you a replacement pair.
  • I’m nearly out of contact lenses. What do I do?  Please contact us at 520-335-1643 or email us at We should be able to extend your prescription for a few months and place an order for your contact lenses. We can have them shipped to your house at no additional cost for shipping unless they are trials.
  • I need a refill on the medication prescribed to me by the practice. What do I do? Please contact us at 520-335-1643 or email us at

As of the week of March 23rd, we will have someone answering the phone with our normal hours.  This will change the following week 10am to 1pm Monday-Friday.

Dr. Ray and our wonderful staff will do their best to accommodate your needs whenever possible. If not, we will direct you to another eye emergency facility.

We value all of your support over the years but also ask that you please do not come into the office unnecessarily. We would like you to postpone coming in to just say hello or look at glasses at this time. We are happy to discuss ordering glasses and contact lenses as well as your other eye care needs over the phone. We are trying to do our part in maintaining good health in our community.

Thank you all so much! Please take care of yourself and your families! God Bless you all!